It was a Typically Beautiful Collection from Alberta Ferretti for Spring 2015. It was one that was full of her Hallmark Romantic and Diaphanous beauty. It was also, nothing Exciting, or particularly Fresh either. We have seen this side of Ferretti many times, perhaps this was one of the best iterations, but still it wasn't as if any New Ground was being Broken. Add to that, it was a GENEROUS handful too many outfits in the Edit, Ferretti could have excised 10-12 outfits in the collection in the name of Concision.
With mainly Fleshy, Nudish tones as her palette with some Pale Pastels as counterbalance, Ferretti splayed herself in her Pre-Raphelite Garden and Dreamed a Dream of Floaty Maxi Dresses and Buoyant shapes that while very pretty, felt Wan and Spineless. All that Make-up coloured Lace and Chiffon began to read as Blah by the time the show ended, Mercifully, when Colour was injected it pulled the collection from the Doldrums of a Fog of Nude! A Maxi Denim skirt that Transmuted into Denim Lace and then into Organza paired with a Simple crop top was Currying Maximum favour, while the Frumpy dress that followed looked Sack-like and Unfortunate. Another Crop top in a Multicolour Floral/Stripe hybrid print paired with a Big, Floaty skirt with a Wrap Slit front in a Floral/Plaid Hybrid Print was Sublime!
But then Boho, Hippy Fringe came out and except for that Beauty of a Nacre Pink colour coat on Anna Ewers, was doing Justice to nothing it touched. The ending of White was a Refreshing close, Simply though it was a case of the Too Lates! Ferretti collection wasn't bad, It truth, It was Gorgeous. It also was way too similar to the Oeuvre that Ferretti has been working for Nigh on a many year now. It's a good thing to keep one's favorite things close at hand, it's also a good thing to Venture out and discover new things... and find what among those can become new favorites... Something tells me, It's Time for Alberta Ferretti to get out of the house and get some fresh air!
That's All.