Thursday, January 9, 2014

Marc By Marc Jacobs.

Tues. 09/10/2013.

Marc By Marc Jacobs.

Marc Jacobs is without Doubt the Crown Prince of New York Fashion. He is possibly one of the most Creative people in the entire fashion universe and never fails to Illicit anything less than frissons of Adoration and Enthusiasm from the Fashion Throng. His faithful in the business are Legion and he has the Patina of Expertise that much of the time most believe he can do no wrong, and usually he delivers on that belief!

In  his main collection he Vacillates To and Fro, Hither and Yon, finding his inspiration from extremely disparate Points of view from season to season. That's His Magic, His Charm, His... GIFT! But whereas there is always a Radical Shift of Perspective every season Chez Marc Jacobs... At Marc By Marc Jacobs it's more a Gentle Evolution of the guiding principles of that line. The Marc By Marc Jacobs is the Cool Girl that all the other girls wanted to be but she was also that outsider girl that played by her own set of rules and inspired Envy in even the Cool Girls and Uncool Alike.

There is always a Retro Vibe being exemplified at Marc, this season the Specific era was hard to pin down and in itself lent a slightly askew Feeling to the collection. There was something of 70's Ali McGraw here, A Little 80's Fast Times At Ridgemont High There... Plucking from both eras and mixing it with the informed Magpie Eye that is the Hallmark of the Marc Girl.

The collection had facets of Sporty and Glam mixed in for good measure and threw the Ingredients in the Blender, Pushed the Frappe Button and poured this out. How effective the collection was is up for debate... Even I, Still am sorting out how deep my Enthusiasm for this collection runs. The Actual Clothes were quite Easily wearable and had much appeal, how they translated sometimes together and in conjunction with one another was quite something different!

As always, Jacobs showed how flawless his intention is in creating an Evocative mood for the Marc collection, The Intent of this collection was resonant but the execution somehow felt, Half-Hearted, Limp, Wan. It didn't hit on all the usual Cylinders but still was Powerful in it's own Idiosyncratic Way. And That alone is enough to continue to partake of the Communion at The Church of Marc.

That's All.


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