Friday, February 28, 2014


Fri. 09/20/2013.

Anna Molinari gave us a typically flamboyant and romantically inclined collection for her Blumarine Spring 2014 that put much focus on less amped up sexuality that in past collections. There was an elegance in this collection that was duly welcome. This elegance was given a Tougher edge later in the collection that wasn't altogether convincing in light of the gossamer romance of the early part of the collection. 

The Flora and Fauna abounded in the beginning in the form of soft flower lace and embroidered butterflies was almost distractingly pretty, yet with the indiscreet amounts of sheerness sometimes it teetered on the Vulgar. Take Exit No. 6... an altogether improper amalgam of a completely sheer sleeveless top delicately embroidered in floral lace paired with a pencil skirt in White Fil-Coupe with splashes of Coral, Black and Gold that just looked... Trashy.

Juxtapose that with the sublimely lovely dress that followed that was a Sensual and Provocative play on sheerness yet had none of the sluttish connotations. This element of Saucy versus Trampy Teeter-Tottered throughout the show and lent an air of confusion to which message Molinari was trying to convey. Pair this with an Ill-Advised Soujourn into Rocker Territory with Leather pants and Shawl collar jackets and the diffusion watered down the message even further. 

A collection is made up of many parts, but sometimes profusion can lead to an embarrassing muddying of the waters, and while this collection had a plethora of beauties... There was too much (and in another sense, Too LITTLE) going on all at once to provide a coherence that would give this collection a Pointed and Focused View. 

That's All.


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