Friday, March 14, 2014


Sun. 09/22/2013.

It's a LONG Way away from the days of Papa Tai and Mama Rosita being at the helm of the fabled house of Missoni. Daughter Angela has turned the house around into a Directional must see collection during the season of shows. In her revamping of all that is Missoni, Angela has also perhaps lost her way. In many ways that was DANGEROUSLY Necessary to keep the house relevant as it goes into it's 60th year. But in all that revamping Angela has also perhaps lost something of the Signature of the house amongst all that modernizing. 

The Collection Missoni presented for Spring 2014 was inspired, Angela remarked, by the elements, Air, Fire, Earth and Water. That translated into heated earthen colours sitting boldly beside cooler airy aquatic colours. Incorporate into that a Logo-Tastic Variation on the Missoni name in a Quasi-Tribal mould and Woodblock inspired Japanese influenced prints of Birds and Mountains, The Mix became even more interesting. But interesting sometimes is not the same as good.

Starting with one of the Logo print tops and a wrap skirt in the Bird/Aquatic print, things looked to be off to a easy, arty start, the next exit, a one sleeved tube dress to the calf in the same Bird print was awfully good looking too. If not exactly typical Missoni, it was a refreshing addition to the house codes. but from there things began to simply metamorphose into a incohesive mishmash. There wasn't anything particularly Awful, it just felt as if the collection was clutching at everything and anything available and putting it in the Fashion Blender and whipping it into Frappe of... Nothing.

The collection was simply not memorable. Nor did it stand out in any exciting way. Some pieces did speak more loudly than others... Exit No. 24 in a hammered silk chiffon Print of Aqua, Orange and Brown draped into a sleeveless calf-length dress was Truly an Eye-Catcher!

On the whole... Spring 2014 was a solid effort for the house of Missoni, yet it also felt as if it were pushing itself further and further away from it's own history. Ignoring such a rich and lush storied history that is her Families Legacy can only lead to future disappointments. Angela would do herself and her family name well to reconsider the path she has decided to trod down and reestablish some of the Greatness that the House of Missoni is known for!

That's All.


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