Monday, August 17, 2015

Diesel Black Gold.

Tues. 02/17/2015.

While Black is looking like THE Colour for Fall 2015 in New York, It's always been the Hallmark of the Diesel Black Gold label. Fall 2015 is no different affair than usual in that respect. Andreas Melbostad smoothed out some of the Rougher edges this season and went for a more Tailored and Classical look, but with some edge. It mostly worked and looked Quite Chic, though he did tend to repeat himself a bit too much.

Leather, Zips, Grommets... all per usual for the label, were to be found, but so was Lace and more knits than usual and a Kicky spin on the Kilt. Drawing on something of an Androgyne look that was inspired by Photos of Peter Lindbergh, Melbostad reflected that in the Looks of the models and the Harder edges of the Leather and Outerwear. Though in honesty, Melbostad was at his best with the more Tailored pieces that are something of a New Discovery for the Label! 

The Boxy Jacket that opened paired with a Rib-Knit Sweater and Fragile Sheer Lace skirt was a Wonderful Duality play on Masc-Femme, As was a more Tailored Blazer with a Flippy skirt edged at it's hem with Metal Squares! Vanessa Moody Shined in the simplest Black Tank and Kilt/Skirt in Grey Flannel! Simple, Spare, Tough!

The DBG show did what it needed to do and did it well, some of the outfits were a little convoluted with all of the Parachute Straps and side lacings going on, but they will translate out of the context of the show into the everyday with effortless ease and keep the Loyalists Happy. Not much more can be expected, Great Clothes, Happy Clients... That's The Secret to Success in a Nutshell! 

That's All.


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