Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Bouchra Jarrar Haute Couture.

Tues. 01/27/2015.

Bouchra Jarrar Haute Couture.

It's always exciting to see someone bringing something new to the Haute Couture table. Something, unexpected. Bouchra Jarrar hadn't been someone I was looking at for a number of reasons. But something this season Clicked! I was taken Far Aback by the Gamine, Tomboyish, Androgyne Woman that is the Jarrar Archetype. There is a Toughness and Edge to Jarrar's Couture and a Startlingly Deceptive simplicity as well that is Betrayed by close inspection of the garments and noticing the Exorbitant attention to detail!

Jarrar has a very unique Perspective on Couture, her Couture doesn't Shout, or adorn itself in Feathered Finery and Ostentation. There is a Perfectly Calibrated attention to Detail and detail alone. That she injected some very beautiful yet for her, obvious embellishment was proving that she is evolving past her own codes! There has always been a Frisson of the Sportif in Jarrar's Collections... here that was replaced by a Soupcon of the Glamourous! Evolving, Most Definitely!

Focusing on the matter at hand, the Clothes, there was a Glut of Absolutely Smashing outfits to Pick out and highlight, but Brevity is best... The Asymmetric Zipped Suit on Hedwig Palm looked as if it was Imbued with a bit of "Terminator" Severity but was Sexy as Shit for it! A White shirt and Micro Mini Zipped skirt Combo was Trading on it's Boarding school connotations in a Wholly Unwholesome way that was incredibly welcome! Also of Note, a Black Leather Zip-Trench Stole the entire show, It had that YSL sense of the Upstart when he was Scandalizing Paris back in the 60's and was as Abomniably Chic!

Jararr Channeled Yves a bit more in her "Bride" that was a "Le Smoking" Ivory Tuxedo and finished the collection off Brilliantly. Jarrar is now firmly on the Radar and With work this Significant and Impactful... Should remain there for some time to come!

That's All.


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