If over the last few seasons we have seen Jason Wu in something of a Transition Phase, Aesthetically speaking, that phase seemed to be nearing an end as of Spring 2015. That collection was so far the most successful morphing of the Young Jason Wu into the new, Mature Jason Wu. There were a few Bumpy and Unsatisfactory collections along the way in this passing from Chrysalis into Butterfly, and Gladly they seem well Behind him and Wu is now confident in his new Mode of Le Mode! Fall 2015 proved Wu is on his A-Game in the most Smashing Way! It was, for all Intents and Purposes... Flawless!
Every Piece was something to Covet, each in it's own Unique way. From the Army Khaki Green Suit that opened the show with a Belted shaggy Fur vest underneath, which was Hitting every Note of an Upper East Side Symphony in Perfect Pitch, to a Dramatic Black coat worn with that same shade of Khaki in a Crocodile Leather Skirt, paired with a Sheer blouse, also in Black, which took Wu's East Side gal just a few hairs shy of Downtown,.. But close enough! There was much more to Lust over, The chicest thing in the show may have been Hanae Gaby Odiele in a Crimson sleeveless Wrap dress that was showing Gams Galore and should be on the Short list of ALL Women of the Must-Have piece of the season! And the Beaded T-Shirt with Grey Flannel Pants.... Game Over, Man! Game Over!
Wu even stepped Far outside his "Comfort Zone" with a Sheer number on the Leggy Gazelle Tami Williams which should come with a Parental Advisory Warning label... SCANDALOUS, but OH, So Delicious! The Beaded sheer Black net gown at Exit No. 30 was so Signature Wu, it hurt. It was Plain old STUNNING! However, it was the Black and White Textured Fabric Gowns (Was it Crepe, Hammered Silk...???) on Maartje (in White) and Lexi (in Black) That easily stole the show. Slinky with a Capital SSSSSSSSS!
The only possible complaint to be levied against this Impeccable collection, is that it was Impeccable! The Elegance was so Contained and Quiet at times, That there was a lot of pieces that didn't actively SHOUT that it was a Jason Wu garment. In the necessary task of Global awareness, Wu needs to have pieces that are Instantly Recognizable as his, as the Younger Wu's clothes did so effortlessly. I don't know how much of a Criticism that can be when the clothes were so Outstanding, but it may be something to Ponder over for Wu for the future!
That's All.
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