Thursday, March 20, 2014

Giorgio Armani.

Mon. 09/23/2013.

Giorgio Armani.

If you've seen one Armani Collection... Well You know how the Axiom goes. As this Spring 2014 confirmed, Mr.Armani seems to be in retrospective mode. He is rehashing a lot of old standbys and the feeling is of deepest Stagnation! As with his Prive collection where Armani can be counted on for a really stellar collection, they vacillate wildly! And that is the sad truth of this collection. Beautiful in places, Yes, but sadly innovation was left by the wayside.

There were the typical Narrow Jackets, Ethnic Flourishes, Shorts instead of Skirts for the suits and as always 1001 Shades of Beige! Yes, the Tailoring is EXQUISITE, anyone denying that fact would be Lunacy, but Tailoring alone is not sufficient enough to elevate a collection where Tailoring is Stock In Trade! However, the biggest offence is that the collection looked like it could have been shown in 1989, 1999 or 2009 and fit in just as seamlessly amongst the Spring collections of those years. That may be considered by some to be Timeless, but it is more a case of Suspended Animation!

Plainly, The Collection is awfully Pretty. No one would dare deny that! Pretty wasn't enough though, to elevate the collection above the familiar! Yes, Some gorgeous pieces, Like Exits Nos. 12 and 13. A pair of abbreviated Finely tailored boxy jackets in Lapis Blue and Midnight Black with a slim, fluid skirts and sheer striped blouses underneath had an appealing freshness Chez Casa Di Armani.

Armani kept things Resolutely short. Not one long item in the whole collection (which was quite brief in comparison to Armani's usual Prolificness) He also presented some rather eye-catching abstract prints that would make Matisse and Miro quite proud. As much as the prints felt refreshing and blithe, the Silhouettes were frumpy to the point of awkwardness as Evening got underway which didn't help the atavistic quality of the show any!

This didn't measure up to the greatest of Armani's collections which when they are Great, They are MONUMENTAL, yet when they are like this, They just feel Uninspired and Redundant. Armani does have a catalog of hits that makes him one of the Grandmasters of the Fashion Game, and he can never, ever, REALLY produce a Disaster of a collection. But he can produce one that fails to advance his dialogue any further. This happened to be one of the latter!

That's All.


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