Friday, January 30, 2015

Tom Ford.

Mon. 09/15/2014.

Tom Ford.

Tom Ford was Looking Back. He might not have said so, He didn't have to really, But BY THE GODS, he was Looking Back. His Spring 2015 collection was like a re-imagining of some of his Greatest hits, too prolix all to list at once, but there it was! He'd probably deny it, But he would be lying! Ford's look back to a more Sexually Vibrant time, when Clinton was in the White house, When Sex Was Good and everybody was beginning to Feel their Cheerio's in whichever way that made them cum! In those Sweat Drenched Heydays... Ford was the Arbiter, Crown Prince, Barometer of all things Coital! He REVELED in it! He Squirmed about in it like a Meth Fueled Twink at a rave party. And he made it look OH SO DECADENTLY DESIRABLE! We all wanted to be Whores. And yes, We wanted the Money that came from Pimping out our Sex! There was a Strength in Being divorced from the Moral Shackles that Ford was Unbinding the world from! And Looking Rich and Sexy and Available all at the same time.

Times, Sadly have changed, as they do and such, The World ever turns and we turn with it. With all forms of Indulgence and Freedom of Sex and Self trying to be Suppressed and Repressed by Politics and Politicians and Preachers, The world is a Numb Place now, Suffused with the Bastard Children of the Good Days, The Simpleton Trash that are the Kardashians and The Miley's and The Innumerable other Stains on Humanity that proliferate now with no sense of Anything but their Next Blowing up of the Internet or Trifling Moment at one of their Concerts riding a Hot Dog! The women of The Gucci Heyday were Smart. Strong. They Stood for something. Perhaps the fallout of all that Sexual Empowerment was bound to be Mindless sluts with nothing but excellent Deep Throat Skills making money for being nothing more than a Purposely Circulated Video of Their Lack of a Gag Reflex.

Saying all that. Ford is trying to Bring us back to the World of those Iper-Women and their Brazen Iper-Sex! On the right women, Sex can be a Powerful Instrument of Change and Propulsion, Maybe, Ford scanned the landscape and saw... what we need now are those kind of Women who take up Sex as Weapon and As Force of Evolution and is speaking to them to Grab the Mantle back from the Dregs and Make Sex again Something to be Proud of rather than Embarrassed By! No Real Progress is ever made with out a Frisson of Disturbance. Ford's collection could be looked at as that Ripple.

The Clothes were Ford/Gucci Era Signatures... The Shiny Tight Flares Razor Sharpened with their Scalpel Precise pleats down the front paired with the Simple tops that this time were not unbuttoned down to there but were Super Luxe Plated Sequins cut into Mock Turtlenecks. The Louche/Luxe feeling of Coup-Fils cut into YSL-ish Pantsuits or those aforementioned Flares or a Teeny, Tiny Vagina Grazing Pencil Skirt. One thing surely to be seen... unlike his Gucci days, where the Statement was the Object, Here Ford's Tailoring skills were Simply Magisterial. Those Opening Black Suits were Painstakingly Couture in their cut and Showed it. It was the old Gucci Tropes, Amped up by Ford's new Couture Exactitude!

All the Best was there to take in, The Tranny/Hooker High Platforms that looked as good on the street as they did with those platform soles and Stiletto heels pointing towards a probably Mirrored Ceiling... A Shift/Tunic in Black with a simple open neck that had Turn-Lock Closures was surely giving us 90's something Ford. Or the little Metallic Sequined Nothings that had their Nipples Glittered like some Moulin Rouge Hussy of Ye Olde! It was SO GOOD, I don't even smoke and I felt like I needed a Cigarette after watching this Cavalcade of Sex!

This is the kind of Fashion that someone like Rihanna understands with Unassailable Ease. SHE, Just may be the Linchpin to the Grenade of Blowing up These Basic Ass Bitches that have Exploded to Fame with nothing more than a Blank Stare and A Humongous Ass... All things that someone who is as Prolifically Versed in ALL things that are Truly Sexual and Erotic, Like Ford is, Eschews with a VEHEMENCE that borders on the Xenophobic! As an aside, it was good to see that Ford didn't use that Squirrel Faced Bitch Kendall Jenner. God Bless!

Maybe Tom is trying to turn the world by Shocking it. It worked in the past like a Charm, and if anyone as the Skills to pay those Kind of Bills... It's Ford. Let's just hope this is Chapter One in the New Testament Of Sex. Author?  Well... Tom Mother Fucking Ford, Of Course!

That's All.


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